Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Of rains and me......

The first winds, the dust on the roads starting to move, being pushed out of the comfort of staying still, changing directions, not knowing where they are headed to. The leaves fallen from a tree strewn all over, starting to fly, having wings of their own - yet, like the dust, not knowing their destination. The trees, in all their glory, have only one direction to lean towards. The first drops of rain move at an almost impossible angle, and being light, get swayed away with the wind. It feels like someone's put on a sprinkler in the garden, and light, leftover drops fall on your face.

Then the smell hits you, the golden smell of the wet earth, reminding you of the beauty of nature, of the fresh fresh rain. You want to be engulfed in this smell, want it to penetrate you so deep.....you stand there, your feet refusing to move. The rain starts to pour down upon you, first gently, then with increasing strength. It tries to push you out of its way, and you resist. Eventually, you move to a more covered area, your eyes still riveted by the drops of water falling onto the ground in front of you. You walk alongside the rain, with the rain - till you find just the place you are looking for.

In a few minutes, you are a very happy person. Sitting with a cup of hot coffee, with the best company you could ask for. You look out of the window, the rain still pouring with all its force, you sip your coffee in the comfort of a closed, warm place, look across and smile. Heaven! :)