Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My 1st blog, and the hour at LKP!

So, first question first: Why a blog now? Why now when everyone thinks that the “blogging phase” is over? And so is, all the hype around it?

I don’t know exactly…though that might be precisely the reason: that the hype around it is over…Or maybe the fact that I have always loved writing and its only now that I have the time to actually start a blog.

Whatever the reason be, the fact is that I have started now, and intend to be regular at it (big hopes!!!) But yes, I will try my best.

So what is it that I want to write about in my first blog ever? I thought of a lot of things and almost settled on one of my biggest passions, food. But then it came very naturally to me. Of course I knew what I wanted to write about. The hour I spent at LKP yesterday. J

For non-WIMWIans, LKP = Louis Kahn Plaza, the most famous and architecturally, the most beautiful, perfectly scaled space in one of Louis Kahn’s most famous creations, IIM Ahmedabad. All through first year, each one of us yearned to spend time at LKP. To just sit there, doing nothing at all, just gazing at the stars, or chatting away with friends you have made in this place, and doing all this without any worry at the back of your mind. Without thinking that you have to go back and mug (IIMA lingo for study) for one of those numerous cases, quizzes, individual/group assignments, mid terms, end terms, etc etc etc. But that was asking for a lil’ too much.

It is true that usually we did not have time. And when we did, it was never without the thought of going back n mugging at the back of our minds. And even if not that, it always felt as if we were wasting our time, sitting in LKP. So, we pledged that when we came back after our summers, we would spend nights galore at our beloved LKP.

But it was not to be. So, yesterday, after much coaxing, me and two other friends went to CT (Café TANSTAAFL for the uninitiated) at 2:15 am…from there we proceeded on to the LKP. The setting was just perfect: cool winds, soothing grass, a full stomach from having had Maggi at CT, a bottle of Thumbs Up with us, and to top it all, no submissions to be done. (Well, not entirely true, as one of us did have a submission today) I don’t remember what we talked about, nor do I want to remember it. Just the feeling of sitting there for an hour was enough. And yes, there was something in the end which did make my day. But that would just be kept a secret, wouldn’t it?? ;)


Robert Frust said...

Nice. You speak for a lot of WIMWIans here. I almost miss not having gone to LKP yesterday and having slept instead :).
But cryptic endings irritate the reader :).

Surobhi said...

Hmmm...I'm sure we'll have a lot more such nights...and soon enough!!!

Giddu said...

No secrets! Don't mention something if you don't want to reveal it!

I is bugged now :P

Anyway, El Kay Pee rules :)

Surobhi said...


But totally agree...LKP rawks!!!