Monday, December 22, 2008


There’s no song any more….no music. The cosmos has come to a standstill, like a muted audience, coming together to watch you in your silent world. There is no music for you anywhere, anymore

Not when you wake up in the morning, to listen to the birds chirping. But are they chirping? You can’t hear the sounds any more…
Not when you go to sleep at night…You don’t hear the moon singing a song for you…
Not when it rains… You don’t hear the rhythm in the rains anymore…
Not when you are happy, if you are… You don’t hear the song in your laughter…
Not when you are sad…You don’t hear the beat of your heart…
Not when you are trying to reach out to something, someone…You don’t hear the cries of desperation…
Not when the box of sweet memories you have gathered, tried to preserve, falls open….Not when you are surrounded by these memories….You don’t hear the music in those memories

It hurts…It hurts to be a part of a silent world, to be silent spectator, to be a silent actor. To be just a puppet in the world someone else is creating for you, and is calling it your destiny. Is it right to give you so much pain, just in the name of destiny?


Tanuj Solanki said...

nice pieces... keep writing!!

i will come back and read them in detail... after the new year mess gets over



Akash said...

Silence is the true friend that never betrays.
A silent mind, freed from the onslaught of thoughts and thought patterns, is both a goal and an important step in spiritual development. Such "inner silence" is not about the absence of sound; instead, it is understood to bring one in contact with the divine, the ultimate reality, or one's own true self.

J Akshay Iyer said...

you write really well. keep it up, miski!

heartfelt stuff!